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 嘉嘉寶貝 的日記本
永遠愛人至上的星座男女 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 Against All Odd
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篇名: Jessie J - Agai
作者: 嘉嘉寶貝 日期: 2014.05.23  天氣:  心情:

Jessie J - Against All Odds

Against all odds

How can I just let you walk away 我怎麼可以就這樣讓你離開
Just let you leave without a trace 讓你消失得無蹤無影
When I stand here 我就站在這呼吸著你呼吸的每一口空氣
Taking every breath with you 你是唯一最清楚我的
You’re the only one who really knew me at all

How can you just walk away from me 你怎麼可以就這樣離開
When all Ican do is watch you leave? 而我所能做的只是看著你遠去
’cause we shared the laughter and the pain 因為我還記得我們曾經共同擁有過的歡笑痛苦和悲傷
And evenn shared the tears 我還記得你是最清楚我的
You’re the only one who really new me at all

So take a look at me now 別再假裝沒看見我
There’s just an empty space 你沒發現那位置一直還是空著的嗎
There’s nothing left here to remind me 你把一切都帶走了
just the memory of your face 我只剩下對你的容貌的依稀記憶

Take a look at me now 別再假裝沒看見我
there’s just an empty space 你沒發現那位置一直還是空著的嗎
you coming back to me is against the odds 你是不可能回到我身邊了
and that’s what i’ve gotta face 這是我要去面對的

I wish I could just make you turn around 我真希望能讓你轉身
Turn around and see me cry 轉身過來看見我在掉淚
There’s so much I need to say to you 我有好多話想告訴你
So many reasons why 告訴你好多理由、好多讓你成為最清楚我的人的理由
You’re the only one who really knew me at all

So take a look at me now 別再假裝沒看見我
There’s just an empty space 你沒發現那位置一直還是空著的嗎
There’s nothing left here to remind me 你把一切都帶走了
Just the memory of your face 我只剩下對你的容貌的依稀記憶

Take a look at me now 別再假裝沒看見我
There’s just an empty space 你沒發現那位置一直還是空著的嗎
And to wait for you is all I can do 我所能做的只是等待你
And that’s what I’ve got to face 這是我要去做的

Take a look at me now 別再假裝沒看見我
I’m just standing here 我會站在這裡
And you coming back to me 等待你轉身回到我身邊
Is against the odds 是沒有可能的了
And that’s a chance I’ve got to face 我要面對的是一絲些微的機會

So take a look at me now 請你轉身看我
Take a look at me now 再看我一眼,好嗎

瀏覽次數:138    人氣指數:538    累積鼓勵:20
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永遠愛人至上的星座男女 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 Against All Odd