檔案狀態:    住戶編號:1835872
 嘉嘉寶貝 的日記本
°12星座女人前人後差異有多大 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 麻麻,你最漂亮了
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: 翻唱 Just one la
作者: 嘉嘉寶貝 日期: 2014.03.05  天氣:  心情:

我很愛這首西洋藍調歌曲...找到翻唱版本的...男歌者的聲音好高亢...聲音也很吸引人....這首歌也是美國電影""最後一支舞""(One LastDance)的主題曲....電影講述了一個淒美的故事,故事中男主角得了絕症,臨終前和心愛的人回到了最初相識的舞池跳完最後一支舞後死在了女友的懷裏....這首歌表達了戀人即將離別的深深痛苦和無奈...歌曲前段如同戀人的絲絲低語傾訴,温婉而浪漫.....以一段回憶作為開場....用一種仿如異國情缘的浪漫娓娓道來....中段的情緒則更為绵長幽遠....後段更愈益激烈....以致於聲嘶力竭...甚至歇斯底裡...分離是最磨人的痛....在這首歌可以充分體會那種離別的椎心之痛....



如同愛情....瞬間絢爛.......一起舞動的烟花.............just one last dance....... 

愛像流星, 就算你真的能跟一個人白頭偕老, 

最終告別的那一刻, 還是會覺得愛像流星般短暫易逝...

心記取過往的美好, 讓真愛成為永恆的珍藏, 成為最美的回憶~

翻唱 Just one last dance - by Jam and Kayee Wong (認真版)

We meet in the night in the spanish cafe 那個夜晚 我們在西班牙咖啡館相遇
I look in your eyes just don't know what to say 望著你的雙眸 心有千言竟無語
It feels like I'm drowning in salty water 淚水已令我盡陷沉溺
A few hours left 'til the sun's gonna rise 幾個時辰過後 陽光便要升起
Tomorrow will come an it's time to realize 明日終將到來
Our love has finished forever 愛情永遠分離
How I wish to come with you (wish to come with you)多想和你一起(和你一起)
how I wish we make it through 多想共同繼續
Just one last dance 最後一曲
Before we say goodbye 再說別離
When we sway and turn round and round and round 一次次揮手轉身
It's like the first time 初次相遇般捨難離
Just one more chance 最後一曲
Hold me tight and keep me warm 緊緊擁抱 充滿愛意
Cause the night is getting cold 因夜已漸冷
And I don't know where I belong 我意亂情迷
Just one last dance 最後一曲
The wine and the lights and the spanish guitar 夜光美酒 琴聲(吉它)響起
I'll never forget how romantic they are 浪漫之夜 永難忘記
But I know, tomorrow I'll lose the one I love 我知道明日將痛失吾愛
There's no way to come with you 永遠不能再相偎相依
It's the only thing to do 捨此無它
Just one last dance 最後一曲
Before we say goodbye 再說別離
When we sway and turn round and round and round 一次次揮手轉身
It's like the first time 初次相遇般難捨難離
Just one more chance 再多一次機會
Hold me tight and keep me warm 緊緊擁抱 充滿愛意
Cause the night is getting cold 因夜已漸冷
And I don't know where I belong 我意亂情迷
Just one last dance 最後一曲
....oh baby...
Just one last dance 最後一曲
Before we say goodbye 再說別離
When we sway and turn round and round and round 一次次揮手轉身
It's like the first time 初次相遇般難捨難離
Just one more chance 最後一曲
Hold me tight and keep me warm 緊緊擁抱 充滿愛意
Cause the night is getting cold 因夜已漸冷
And I don't know where i belong 我意亂情迷
Just one last dance 最後一曲
Before we say goodbye 再說別離
When we sway and turn round and round and round 一次次揮手轉身
It's like the first time 初次相遇般難捨難離
Just one more chance 最後一曲
Hold me tight and keep me warm 緊緊擁抱 充滿愛意
Cause the night is getting cold 因夜已漸冷
And I don't know where i belong 我意亂情迷

瀏覽次數:238    人氣指數:838    累積鼓勵:30
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
給本文愛的鼓勵:  最新愛的鼓勵
°12星座女人前人後差異有多大 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 麻麻,你最漂亮了
時間:2014-03-05 23:44
他, 45歲,台中市,製造/供應商
