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篇名: 2008/04/23的日記
作者: wayne 日期: 2008.04.23  天氣:  心情:
看中共談西藏問題, 有理說不清, 滿口八股, 土老共心態, 五十年不變

Why hasn't anybody written a song "GIVE WAR A CHANCE" dedicated to Bush, Cheney, and McCain?

Oops, I meant "GIVE IRAQ A CHANCE".

Some voter commented that Obama was a great speaker but lacked substance.

He'd be more convincing if he could outline exactly what steps he's going to take to implement all the great things he's been promising.

Without that, the more eloquent he is, the more cautious I feel about him.

Anybody without past burden like him can talk big and fancy. We need to see a concrete plan.

He may be 1st rate and Clinton 2nd rate. It'd a nightmare if people abandone Clinton and then he turns out to be 3rd rate.

US needs fundamental change in its domestic and foreign policies and Obama may be the right candidate. So far it's all empty talk.

Charisma alone isn't enough.
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