檔案狀態:    住戶編號:1835872
 嘉嘉寶貝 的日記本
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篇名: Can't We Try -
作者: 嘉嘉寶貝 日期: 2014.01.22  天氣:  心情:

Can't We Try - Dan Hill & Vonda Sheppard我們不能再試試看嗎

(Him) (他)
I see your face cloud over like a little girl's 我看見你的臉龐佈滿陰霾,像個小女孩
And your eyes have lost their shine 你的雙眼失去了光彩
You whisper something softly I'm not meant to hear 你輕柔的訴說著什麼,我沒仔細聽
Baby, tell me what's on your mind 寶貝,告訴我你心裡在想什麼

(Her) (她)
I don't care what people say 我不在乎人們怎麼說
About the two of us from different worlds 說我倆來自不同的世界
I love you so much that it hurts inside 我如此愛你,心已受傷
Are you listening? 你有在聽嗎?

(Him) (他)
Please listen to me, girl 請聽我說,女孩

*Can't we try just a little bit harder? 我倆能不能再更努力一些?
Can't we give just a little bit more? 我倆能不能再多付出一些?
Can't we try to understand that it's love we're fighting for? 我倆能否試著了解那是我倆奮鬥的愛?
Can't we try just a little more passion? 我倆能否多一點熱情?
Can't we try just a little less pride? 我倆能否少一點自尊?
I love you so much, baby 我這麼愛你,寶貝
That it tears me up inside 但那卻撕裂了我的內心

I hear you on the telephone with god-knows-who 我聽見你和某人講電話,天曉得那是誰?
Spilling out your heart for free 把你內心都傾洩出來
Everyone needs someone they can talk to 每個人都需要一個談心的對象
Girl, that someone should be me 女孩,那個人應該是我才對

(Her) (她)
So many times, I tried to tell you 多少次,我想告訴你
You just turned away 你只是轉身而去

(Him) (他)
How did I know ? 我哪知道?

(Her) (她)
My life is changing so fast now 如今,我的人生改變得真快
Leaves me lonely and afraid 留給我寂寞和恐懼

(Him) (他)
Don't be afraid, no(*) 別怕!

(Him) Don't let our love fade away (他)別讓我倆的愛消失無蹤
(Her) Don't let our love fade away (她)別讓我倆的愛消失無蹤
(Him) No matter what people say (他)不管別人怎麼說
(Her) No matter, no matter what they say (她)不管別人說了些什麼
(Him) I need you more and more each day (他)我一天比一天更需要你
(Her) Don't let our love fade away (她)別讓我倆的愛消失無蹤
(Him) No matter what people say (他)不管別人怎麼說
(Her) No matter, no matter what they say(*) (她)不管別人說了些什麼

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