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 嘉嘉寶貝 的日記本
螢光淚... 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 水瓶座~~
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: Claude Kelly- I
作者: 嘉嘉寶貝 日期: 2014.01.07  天氣:  心情:

Claude Kelly  

歌名  I Hate Love 

I hate the mornings我一向討厭早晨
Cause I know what they bring因為我知道會發生什麼事
You get up and take a shower in no time, your leaving當你起床後會沖個涼然後立刻離去
And it sounds so selfish這樣聽來好自私啊
But i can't help but think而我除了思考外對這種情形無能為力
That if you knew how much i needed you如果此時你知道我有多麼的需要你
You'd stay cause你一定會留下 因為

I hate goodbyes我討厭離別
I hate these tears in my eyes我討厭自己眼眶裡的淚水
I hate myself for the way i feel about you everytime我討厭自己總是無時無刻都在想你的一切
I've had enough我真是受夠了這樣
I'm sick of wishing he was around me every day, every night我厭倦了一直在夢想你無論日或夜都能隨時待在我的身邊
its way too much這種念頭太常出現了
I hate love yeahhyeahhh我討厭這種愛
I hate love yeahh woooo我討厭這種愛

I hate your phone calls我討厭找你的電話
In the middle of the day特別是在事情只進行到一半時
Cause you do is remind that my baby is so far away因為你的言行都在提醒我自己離你好遠
It drives me crazy我都快發瘋了
Cause i need you with me因為我是如此迫切的需要你陪伴我
I know its time for you to understand what i say that現在已到了你該了解我在抱怨什麼的時候了

I don't want to feel this alone (I can't help it)我不想一個人孤單地承受(但我無能為力)
Everytime you walked out that door當每一次你跨越這道門離去時
I start missing you (I can't help it no)我就開始想念你了(但我無能為力)
Wish I didn't need you this much (I can't help it)一直希望我自己不要這麼的需要你(但我無能為力)
But i love how it feels when we touch可是我愛極了我倆水乳交融的感覺

瀏覽次數:113    人氣指數:1673    累積鼓勵:78
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
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