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 嘉嘉寶貝 的日記本
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 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: Jenny Hyun - I
作者: 嘉嘉寶貝 日期: 2014.01.03  天氣:  心情:

Jenny Hyun ~~~ I Still Believe In Love

It was a clear summer day   那是一个晴朗的夏日
when I saw the tears on your face   当我看到你脸颊的泪水
I knew that our time was up on us   我知道,我们的时光来了

Our moment of end was so fast  我们的每分每秒,结束得如此之快
but the kiss of goodbye always lasts   但是离别之吻总是持续着
not even time could fade it away 甚至没有时间可以将它褪去

Even though you are no longer here  尽管你不在这里
there is still something between us 也仍然有些东西羁绊在我们之间
Even though life isn't fair 尽管生活是不公平的
I'll never lose my trust  但我不会失去我的信任

Just another lesson to be learned 去吸取另一个教训
gotta move on and not lose faith 总得前进 ,不违背诺言
just another obstacle to take  去跨越另一个障碍
live my life before it gets too late  在还未太迟之前,好好地生活
I won't give up, I won't stay down  我不会放弃 我不会停留
this is what life's worth living for  这就是生命的价值所在
I still believe in love 我仍然相信爱

I'm holding the warmth of your lips   我留恋你双唇的余温
it feels like the first time we kissed 感觉就像我们初次亲吻
when all of the stars lined up for us  当所有的星辰为我们排着队

but like the wind you said goodbye   但是你如风一般地说了再见
and left me alone here to cry  留我一个人在这里哭泣
we shouldn't have gone our separate ways 我们不应分道扬镳

Even though you are no longer here  尽管你不在这里
there is still something between us 也仍然有些东西羁绊在我们之间
Even though life isn't fair 尽管生活是不公平的
I'll never lose my trust  但我不会失去我的信任

Just another lesson to be learned 去吸取另一个教训
gotta move on and not lose faith 总得前进 ,不违背诺言
just another obstacle to take  去跨越另一个障碍
live my life before it gets too late  在还未太迟之前,好好地生活
I won't give up, I won't stay down  我不会放弃 我不会停留
this is what life's worth living for  这就是生命的价值所在
I still believe in love 我仍然相信爱

Just another lesson to be learned 去吸取另一个教训
gotta move on and not lose faith 总得前进 ,不违背诺言
just another obstacle to take  去跨越另一个障碍
live my life before it gets too late  在还未太迟之前,好好地生活
I won't give up, I won't stay down  我不会放弃 我不会停留
this is what life's worth living for  这就是生命的价值所在
I still believe in love 我仍然相信爱

瀏覽次數:123    人氣指數:1723    累積鼓勵:80
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
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一起買醉吧~~ 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 千萬別惹火老娘!