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美國聯邦航空局 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 一項新穎的太空旅遊
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篇名: “TXT” Hill
作者: Van’s 日期: 2011.12.08  天氣:  心情:
大衛李山 David Lee Tex Hill,暱稱“TXT” Hill (1915年7月13日出生 - 2007年10月11日逝世) 他是在中國成立的 義工團 AVG “飛虎隊”戰鬥機 "王牌" 飛行員。

“TXT” Hill 原本出生於光州,韓國 Kwangju Korea,是一個長老會 Presbyterian 傳教士的兒子,但他六歲時移居到美國,在得克薩斯州 Texas 長大。於1938 年完成奧斯汀學院 Austin College 之前,讀了兩年得克薩斯州 A&M 大學 Texas A&M University。 "TXT” Hill 在海軍飛行學校繼續培訓完成飛行訓練,於1939年成為美國的海軍飛行員,並在魚雷中隊和一個在 USS Saratoga 航空母艦的俯衝轟炸機中隊在擔任魚雷轟炸機飛行員。

1941年,“TXT” Hill 與其他海軍,陸軍和海軍陸戰隊的飛行員被招募加入 "第一美國義工團 - 飛虎隊"。 這是蔣夫人 "宋美齡" 在中國成立的首屆中國空軍 - "第一美國義工團 - 飛虎隊"。 她高薪金聘請美國戰鬥機飛行員,來華幫助中國抗日戰爭。 “TXT” Hill 是第一個為中國作戰的美國英雄。

雖然,在缺乏資源狀態下面對強大的敵人,"第一美國義工團 - 飛虎隊" 為幫助中國對抗日本的戰爭,仍然可以在很短不到半年的空戰期間內,擊落接近300架日本鬼子的戰機。自己僅僅犧牲14名熱愛中國的“飛虎隊”美國義工團飛行員生命。

“TXT”Hill 在“飛虎隊”成為三聯 ACE “王牌” 英雄傳奇的頭號殺手的戰鬥機飛行員。他一個人親單手摧毀了超過 18 架日本鬼子的戰機,包括擊落第一架日本零式戰鬥機。他是中國歷史上幫助抗日戰爭最好的美國戰鬥機飛行員!

“TXT” Hill 上校山的榮譽包括:傑出服務十字,銀星,傑出飛行三個橡樹葉集群,總統單位嘉獎,橡樹葉,中國訂購的雲和跨橫幅第四,第五和第六級​​,2星翼裝飾品,中國的勝利勳章,優異的軍團,和英國的飛行優異十字勳章。

“TXT” Hill 他感到非常自豪地有機會成為中國空軍的戰鬥機飛行員。 在他90歲的高齡時,他仍然喜歡穿戴他“飛虎隊”的帽子參加幾個主要的美國航展活動。他喜歡介紹自己為一個真正 "中國抗日戰爭" 的中國戰鬥機飛行員,日本戰機的殺手。

與我們華人的英雄“TXT”Hill 榮譽照片!


Flying Tigers was the popular name of the 1st American Volunteer Group (AVG) of the Chinese Air Force in 1941-1942. Arguably, the group was a private military contractor, and for that reason the volunteers have sometimes been called mercenaries. The members of the Flying Tigers had lucrative contracts with the Chinese government with salaries ranging from $600 for a pilot to $750 for a squadron commander. These salaries were three times what they had been making in the U.S. forces. They were mostly former United States Army (USAAF), Navy (USN), and Marine Corps (USMC) pilots and ground crew, recruited under Presidential sanction and commanded by Claire Lee Chennault. The group consisted of three fighter squadrons with about 20 aircraft each. It trained in Burma before the American entry into World War II with the mission of defending China against Japanese forces.

The Tigers shark-faced fighters remain among the most recognizable of any individual combat aircraft of World War II, and they demonstrated innovative tactical victories when the news in the U.S. was filled with little more than stories of defeat at the hands of the Japanese forces.

The group first saw combat on 20 December 1941, 12 days after Pearl Harbor (local time). It achieved notable success during the lowest period of the war for U.S. and Allied Forces, giving hope to Americans that they would eventually succeed against the Japanese. While cross-referencing records after the war revealed their actual kill numbers were substantially less, the Tigers were paid combat bonuses for destroying nearly 300 enemy aircraft, while losing only 14 pilots on combat missions. In July 1942, the AVG was replaced by the U.S. Army 23rd Fighter Group, which was later absorbed into the U.S. 14th Air Force with General Chennault as commander. The 23rd FG went on to achieve similar combat success, while retaining the nose art and nickname of the volunteer unit.

瀏覽次數:148    人氣指數:2748    累積鼓勵:130
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美國聯邦航空局 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 一項新穎的太空旅遊
時間:2011-12-11 21:26
她, 54歲,新北市,金融保險
時間:2011-12-11 21:25
她, 54歲,新北市,金融保險
