檔案狀態:    住戶編號:1835872
 嘉嘉寶貝 的日記本
雁卿 - 怕寂寞 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 迪克牛仔~忘記我還是忘記他
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篇名: <拉丁王子>Marc Anth
作者: 嘉嘉寶貝 日期: 2012.01.08  天氣:  心情:


<拉丁王子>Marc Anthony -- How could I


it was a coldest day in december 那是12月最冷的一天
a day i will always remember 我將永遠記得的一天
i looked into your eyes 當時我看著你的眼睛
and faced my deepest fear 面對的卻是內心深深的恐懼
i had drifted too far 我漂流地那樣遙遠
far from you my dear 遠遠地離開了你,我親愛的

so how could i 我是如何能夠
turn away from the one i love 從我的愛人身邊離開
how could i 我如何能夠
when i know what my heart's made of (離開)當我知道心已有所屬
could it be 是否可能
that your soul lives inside of me 你的靈魂存在我心深處
how could i ever say good-bye 我如何能道再見

why was i so afraid to tell her 為什麼我會如此擔心告訴她
that for her i would fight a thousand soliders 為了她我可抵禦一千名戰士
but just like an angry child 但我卻像一個生氣的小孩
i kept my feelings locked inside 把感情鎖在內心
there were rivers of tears 止不住的眼淚
flowing from her eyes 流出她的眼睛

so how could i 我是如何能夠
turn away from the one i love 從我的愛人身邊離開
how could i 我如何能夠
when i know what my heart's made of (離開)當我知道心已有所屬
could it be 是否可能
that your soul lives inside of me 你的靈魂存在我心深處
how could i ever say good-bye 我如何能道再見

when you fall in love 當你戀愛時
you never know how long it lasts 你永遠不知道會持續多久
but the one thing i knew in my heart 但有一件事我的內心很清楚
is that i was fading much too fast 就是我消失得太快

so how could i 我是如何能夠
turn away from the one i love 從我的愛人身邊離開
how could i 我如何能夠
when i know what my heart's made of (離開)當我知道心已有所屬
could it be 是否可能
that your soul lives inside of me 你的靈魂存在我心深處

how could i ever say good-bye 我如何能道再見


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雁卿 - 怕寂寞 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 迪克牛仔~忘記我還是忘記他