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篇名: AmericanHistory
作者: wayne 日期: 2011.06.11  天氣:  心情:
Will be going to Mt Rushmore again. Was there when I was a teenager. That's when I first came to this country for college study.

The sculpture of the 4 presidents was something new, fascinating, and grand to me, as a young student and a foreigner.

Of course I have different feeling about it now.

The Black Hills region and other parts of South Dakota where the sculpture is, were the home and land of Sioux tribe.

All the 4 presidents were hostile to Native Americans.They looked down upon Native Americans, treated them as uncivilized barbarians, forgetting they themselves were foreign invaders and occpiers from outside (like if Iraq had successfully invaded, totally taken over, occupied and ruled Kuwait in early 1990s.)

By today's standard of Western powers, the taking over of America by Europeans was something that all other nations on earth should send troops to stop and fight against.

And by their own standard, many of the things they did to Native Americans were condemnable war crimes.

To Sioux people, the sculpture of the 4 invaders and oppressors on Sioux land is nothing but a big insult.
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