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 wayne 的日記本
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篇名: Guns & Poppies
作者: wayne 日期: 2011.05.09  天氣:  心情:
What was on my mind when I was watching "The King's Speech"?

Behind the splendor and grandeur, and all the seemingly civilized manners and activities, the empire of this king, King George VI, had colonized countries by military power so it could rule, control and exploit.

Only 40 years before his birth, the supposedly Christian nations of BRITISH EMPIRE and FRANCE had sent troops equipped with advanced weapons to invade CHINA, using pathetic lies as excuses for their criminal actions.

They, Britain and France, are still doing the SAME thing today, NOW, right at this minute, except this time to another country, Libya, while the rest of the world silently watches, easily, stupidly, and even willingly, fooled by the lies and excuses used by them as justification for the invasion.

Next time you sip French wine or read Shakespeare's plays and think how their cultures and traditions are to be admired and appreciated, please remember that not too long ago the British and the French invaded your country with guns and cannons and after winning, forced your then government to give up Hong Kong and Kowloon, to "indemnify" them with 5 MILLION ounces of silver which your ancestors had paid by blood and sweat as taxes, and to let British business firms (Does Jardine Matheson of Hong Kong ring a bell?) keep selling OPIUM to Chinese people, your poor ancestors.

I'd like to see them apologize someday if not compensate. But would they ever?

In case you don't know, opium is extracted from poppy.

Yes, a poppy is also a flower. And UK was the biggest drug dealer in the history of human kind.

Not only was the sale of opium to China sanctioned, encouraged, blessed and protected by the then British Empire, the unwilling customer, China, was also forced to purchase at gun point.

Government-sponsored international drug pushing.

Gun in one hand, poppy in another.

Guns and Poppies.

State Terrorism.

Lord of the Ring.

Drug Ring.
瀏覽次數:135    人氣指數:735    累積鼓勵:30
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君且莫笑 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 曲名估譯之
時間:2011-05-09 21:05
她, 91歲,台北市,其他
作者回覆說[2011-05-12 09:21]:

No. This one on DVD. ^^
