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篇名: Education Etc
作者: wayne 日期: 2011.04.18  天氣:  心情:

A good EDUCATION should give students the ability to do independent analysis and thinking. The US education has certainly failed in that category.

If people do their own analysis and thinking, with the easy access to information, news and reports of internet and modern day media, many Americans will be MORE able to monitor, supervise, watch, and judge what the government does, no matter how government tries to mislead, misinform and manipulate the public. And very likely, war, or invasion rather, of Iraq, could have been prevented, and tens of thousands of American soldiers and more than 10 hundred thousand Iraqi civilians would not have been killed absolutely unnecessarily all because of the terrible mistake made by the Bush Administration.

Bush and Cheney have both ADMITTED PUBLICLY in the past few years that Iraq War was a MISTAKE but blamed a unit within the Administration and under their command and supervision for the mistake: the intelligence unit. How pathetic.

To watch and criticize government is the RIGHT and DUTY of every citizen, in any country, especially in a democratic country like US. When you think the government is making a big mistake and then harshly criticize the government, it is not a sign of hate but the exact opposite, a sign you truly care and love your country. That is true patriotism.

Government is not your master. It comes out from your vote. You, and many others, are the master of the government. You don't follow the government. The government listens to you and follow your instruction. That is the basic concept democracy is based on. At least that's what was taught when I took introductory American History and American Government courses in college.

I wonder how all Americans who had rallied behind the government when going into The Iraq War feel now. They're just as responsible as the government for the mistake. It means they too have got on their hands the blood of those who were killed in the unnecassary war.

It's shocking to know that many Americans think that harshly citicizing the GOVERNMENT means you hate the COUNTRY. It's like saying if you criticize the CEO/Management of a company, you hate that company; or if you criticize the principal, you hate the whole school.

What can be farther from the truth?

And where does this silly logic come from? It comes from education, or rather the failure of eduction.

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