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金融泡沫有指標嗎? 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 Ron Paul
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篇名: 赤裸裸的軍事侵略
作者: wayne 日期: 2011.03.21  天氣:  心情:
這麼多國家有內戰及死傷平民, 英美法只選擇利比亞政府軍攻擊, 動機可疑......利比亞若不產石油, 多瞧一眼

前些年俄國也有小型卻激烈的內戰及平民傷亡, 卻不見英美法熱心積極的以軍事干預......雖說俄國是軍事強國, 但為了正義, 別怕


I follow news regularly. And I find it puzzling that western powers were so eager to launch a military attack on Libya government's military installations.The reasons given were so lame and claims made lacked independent verification.

Just another blatant invasion by western countries for their own interests. They haven't changed a bit in centuries.

Obama and Clinton are totally disappointing and pathetic. Having said that, it's important to point out that had McCain been the president he'll be 10 times worse than Obama and Clinton combined.

UN resolution on Libia mentioned UN's "grave concern at the deteriorating situation, the escalation of violence, and the heavy civilian casualties", and condemned "the gross and systematic violation of human rights, including arbitrary detentions, enforced disappearances, torture and summary executions".

If all the accused actions were true and had been veyfied, why haven't they been widely reported (and in detail) by western media?

When worse crimes happened in Black Africa before, why didn't UN authorize tough actions against those crimes, and why didn't US, UK and France rush to take military actions to protect the civilians being slaughtered?

News following the attack:
Having been instrumental in pushing the UN to approve the resolution authorizing the no-fly zone over Libya, the Arab League has found itself quickly regretting its Faustian bargain. Now, with reports of civilian casualties on the rise, they are condemning the massive air strikes by the US, France and Britain.

Arab League Chief Amr MoussaWhat is happening in Libya differs from the aim of imposing a no-fly zone, and what we want is the protection of civilians and not the bombardment of more civilians,” insisted Arab League chief and Egyptian presidential hopeful Amr Moussa.

What do I think? I think these Arab country leaders are stupid. They wrote western powers a blank check and then regretted later that the fund cashed was so much bigger than they had expected. Idiots.
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金融泡沫有指標嗎? 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 Ron Paul