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篇名: QE3/蛇鼠一窩
作者: wayne 日期: 2010.12.07  天氣:  心情:

Now they are talking about QE3.

If the Fed had done their job properly, there's no need for any QE, let alone QE2 and 3. Being one of the culprits of the 2008 financial crisis, it should apologize to the nation, especially taxpayers, for failing to see and prevent the mortgage disaster.

Warren Buffet didn't see it coming either. His companies and investments would have gone bust if not for measures taken by Treasury Department and the Fed.

His investments were saved by 2 things: (1) taxpayers money used for TARP, and (2) all the new money recklessly printed by Bernanke Corporation aka the Fed for buying up toxic assets, purchasing treasuries, and lending to business firms facing financial problems.

You would think a person of his stature and reputation would admit his inability to detect the problem in advance and also to talk about the failure of the Fed and the government. No, he did not. He went ahead and thanked Bernanke and other government officials in an open letter. He praised them for saving the country from the financial crisis, forgetting they were the ones resposible for the crisis.

This is "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours," or to put it another way, "蛇鼠一窩".

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