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篇名: QE2
作者: wayne 日期: 2010.10.29  天氣:  心情:

QE2 is a desperate measure. They need QE2 because QE1 didn't do the job it's supposed to do, namely, bolstering the weak economy.

By the way, QE isn't referred to Queen Elizabeth. It's short for "quantitative easing", something the central bank does to flood the market with cheap money in the hope it'll make people want to borrow and spend so the economy could recover from the big hit it took from the subprime triggered recession.

It wasn't too long ago that it's as hot as 42 degrees... August 25, to be exact. Right at this moment in north Texas, 2 months from that record hot day, it's 4 degrees only and for the first time I have to turn on the heater since last spring.

As a warm-blooded southerner, I hate winter.

Also, the older one gets, the more he talks about weather, like what I'm doing now.

瀏覽次數:109    人氣指數:309    累積鼓勵:10
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